The Banner Diversified Real Estate Credit Fund is a pooled, managed investment scheme for wholesale investors. The Fund invests in mortgages and other forms of property-related debt, including investments in Sub-Schemes. As a pooled fund, the Investor has a diversified and proportional share of the Fund’s assets, but no interest in any single asset. Investors are paid returns calculated across the Fund’s investments.
The Fund
What type of investment is this?
The Fund is an unregistered unit trust law for Wholesale Investors only. The Fund aims to provide investors with a secure, attractive income return from a spread of investments by a pooled fund.
What can the Fund invest in?
The Fund will predominantly invest in Banner property related Sub-Schemes, primarily development loans within property sub-sectors, secured by underlying registered first mortgages.
Key Terms
- Fund Size: The Fund size is open-ended, with no minimum or maximum amount to be raised.
- Currency: Australian Dollars AUD
- Fund Structure: The Fund is an unregistered managed investment scheme structured as a unit trust. The rights and obligations of the Trustee and Unit Holders are governed by the terms of the Trust Deed.
- Fund Term: There is no set term of the Fund.
- Maximum LVR: 75% of the valuation of the Security Property of each loan.
- Minimum Initial Investment: $100,000
- Additional Investments: $50,000
- Minimum Holding: $100,000
- Eligible Investors: 'Wholesale Clients' under the Corporations Act.
- Applications: Pursuant to the Application Form in the Information Memorandum.
- Distributions: The Trustee pays distributions of income to investors (after deducting fees and expenses of the Fund) semi-annually, in June and December.
- Redemptions: A minimum holding period of 12 months applies to Units. Unit Holders may redeem on 90 days' notice after the initial lock up period subject to available liquidity.
- Management Fees and Expenses: The Trustee is entitled to be paid out of the income of the Fund a Management Fee of 1.5% per annum (plus GST) of the Net Asset Value of the Fund.
- Reports: Investors will receive quarterly performance reports.
These key terms are not an exhaustive summary, and you should read the Fund’s Information Memorandum before deciding to invest in the Fund.
Find out more about this Fund.
Get in touch directly with our investor relations team to start your Banner investment journey.
+61 3 9929 6400ir@bannerassetmanagement.com
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